Flags of the World Quiz #13 – Mexican state flags

While the Mexican national flag with its red, white and green might be well-known, most travellers aren’t as familiar with the country’s state flags.

Mexico’s official name is the United Mexican States and includes 31 states (32 if you count the federal district that is home to Mexico City), but not all of them have an official flag. In fact, only seven do and there are two that specifically assert in their constitutions that they not have one.

How good are you at identifying Mexico’s flags? Take our quiz and find out:

Which Mexican state flag is this?

Which Mexican state flag is this?

Which Mexican state flag is this?

Which Mexican state flag is this?

Which Mexican state flag is this?

Which Mexican state flag is this?

Which Mexican state flag is this?

Which Mexican state flag is this?

Which Mexican state flag is this?

Which Mexican state flag is this?

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