Flight Aware lets you map airline flights around the world

There are numerous flight trackers online which let #avgeeks track flights on every speck of the globe.

I’m a fan of Flight Aware, although am too cheap and not that plane obsessed that I subscribe to their premium service, but if you’re a hardcore airplane fan, you might want to consider it.

Click on one of the thousands of plane icons on Flight Aware map and you get information about the flight’s point of origin and destination along with vital flight data and other details about the plane and its flight history.

While I was grounded from travel during the pandemic, I would like to call up Flight Aware to look at the flights around me and in exotic locales to imagine what it was like to be flying again. Whenever a plane would fly overhead, I’d check to see where it was coming from or where it was going to and envied those aboard.

If you’re curious about the ebb and flow of flights around the world, then Flight Aware is a great tool to turn you into a planespotter. Or you can simply use it to track the flights of friends and family as they finally fly to reunite with each other.


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