Flags of the World Quiz #9: The red, white and blue is not just the American flag

Three cheers for the red, white and the blue, which, in this case, is not the Stars and Stripes, but 10 flags from other nations that have the same colour scheme as their American cousins. How many of them can you identify?

Welcome to your Flags of the World Quiz #9 - Flags with red, white and blue (that aren't America)


Which country's flag is this?

Which country's flag is this?

Which country's flag is this?

Which country's flag is this?

Which country's flag is this?

Which country's flag is this?

Which country's flag is this?

Which country's flag is this?

Which country's flag is this?

Which country's flag is this?

[mlw_quizmaster_leaderboard mlw_quiz=10]

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